market communication europe Business in Europe jf kaertner

Market Communication

Managing market communication in EU countries

Setting and implementing a communication strategy for a foreign market requires additional considerations beyond those of a domestic strategy.

The main purpose of market communication is to promote a product, service or brand, and to establish and maintain a relationship with potential customers or target audience. We pitch for our clients the appropriate external service providers, who tailor and implement market communication in EU markets that is culturally appropriate and easy to understand by the target audience such as consumers, professionals and companies.

> We represent client interests with local marketing, online marketing and public relations agencies in order to ensure the creation of tailor-made campaigns and monitor their implementation according to the client strategy and campaign plan.

Market communication services

Set a communication strategy

Set a communication strategy that is tailored to an EU market and effectively reaches the targeted audience.

Implement a communication strategy

Achieve a communication strategy along the lines of milestones, address EU target groups and measure success.

Implement only a
sub process

Targeted communication measure, as part of an overall communication process or separate from it.

Strategic Planning Business in Europe jf kaertner
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